Body Butters

Body Butters - Creams - Salves
Body Butter - Dry Skin
Body Butter - Everyday Use
Boo Boo Salve
Tips & Tricks to Working With Butters & Wax
Tip #1:  When melting butters & waxes I recommend heating in a double boiler.  If you don't have one, fill a quart size pan (or larger) with water and place a glass measuring cup in the pan (2 cup and 5 cup are recommended).  As the water boils the butter /  wax will heat and melt without scorching.

Tip #2:  Avoid using pans that have grooves, especially if you choose not to double boil as it will be nearly impossible to clean the butter / wax out of the grooves, potentially ruining your pans.

Tip #3:  Wax will harden quickly.  This is why I melt waxes last and add it to the melted butters and stir and pour quickly.

Tip #4:  Do not add essential oils until the butters have started to cool and harden.  The ensures that the temperature is low enough to not have a negative effect on the essential oils.

Tip #5:  For whipped butters, purchase an inexpensive hand mixer at a yard sale. DO NOT use your expensive mixer as it will be impossible to clean.  
Tip #6: Whipped butters should be cool before mixing with your electric mixer. You will need to mix it until it starts to emulsify (goes from a liquid to a buttery appearance). This can take 5-10 minutes. If it does not emulsify, put the mixture in the refrigerator to cool further. Avoid letting it cool back to a solid. If this happens you will need to reheat to a liquid.

Tip #7: When cleaning up after working with butters / waxes, wipe bowls and utensils with paper towels till all excess butter is removed. Wash with hot soapy water. DO NOT put in the dishwasher as the butters will get all over everything and require hand cleaning. I learned the hard way!

Tip #8: Since clean up can be a bear (the finished product is well worth it), I like to make up a large amount of body butter at one time and refrigerate what I don't use till I need it.  

Tip #9: Butters will soften in extreme heat.
Ingredient Shopping List Link Suggestions
I only use and recommend Young Living essential oils.  If you are not currently a Young Living member you mayuse this linkto purchase your oils.  The following links will take you to the ingredients I typically use
Shea Butter - 16 Ounce                                           Jojoba Oil - 16 Ounce
Shea Butter - 8 Ounce                                             Beeswax - 16 Ounce
Coconut Oil - 54 Ounce
Almond Oil - 16 Ounce
Body Butter - Dry / Chapped Skin
Shea Butter - 1/4 Cup
Almond Oil - 1/8 Cup
Coconut Oil - 1/8 Cup
Young Living Lavender EO- 10 Drops (or YL oils of your choice)
4 Ounce Container

1.  Melt Shea Butter and Coconut oil in a double boiler until they become a liquid.
2.  Remove from the heat and add Almond Oil.
3.  Place in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes or until mixture starts to solidify.  
4.  Add essential oils.
5.  Remove from refrigerator and mix with electric mixer until it becomes a whipped buttery consistency.
6. Using a spatula, place mixture in 4 ounce container.
Body Butter - Every Day Use
(My absolute favorite)
Shea Butter - 1/2 Cup
Jojoba Oil - 1/2 Cup
Coconut Oil - 1/2 Cup
Rose Water - (1/3 Cup Distilled Water with 5 drops of YL Rose EO, If you do not have Young Living RoseEO, simply use the Distilled Water)
Melt Shea Butter in a double boiler.  Once melted, add coconut oil and mix till melted.  Set aside to cool.  Once cool add essential oils and mix well.  Place if refrigerator till 15-20 minutes until it starts to harden.  Whip with hand mixer until it is fluffy.  This may take 5 minutes. If it is still a liquid after 5 minutes, put back in refrigerator till it begins to harden again.  Repeat process.  Do not be concerned if there is a small amount of distilled water remaining in the bowel.  This recipe will fill 3 eight ounce containers.
* Note:  Feel free to use your own selection of Young Living Essential Oils.  These happen to be my favorites.
Boo Boo Salve
Beeswax - 1 Tbsp
Coconut Oil - 2 Tbsp
Jojoba Oil - 2 Tbsp
2 Ounce Container
Melt coconut oil in a double boiler.  Take off burner and allow to cool, but not harden.  Add essential oils and mix well.  While coconut oil is cooling, melt beeswax in double burner.  Add coconut oil / essential oil mixture to melted beeswax.  Mix quickly as wax hardens quickly.  Pour into 2 ounce container.  
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